Jul. 23-24, 2024

Jimmy presented at Symposium of Research Group on Biomedical Polymers (Tokyo).

張 (M2・台北医大ダブルディグリープログラム)が第53回医用高分子シンポジウム (産業技術総合研究所 臨海副都心センター)で発表しました。


Jul. 17, 2024


New paper is accepted for publication in Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports.


Jul. 11, 2024

Kamimura gave a talk at the 40th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Drug Delivery System (Tsukuba).

上村が第40回日本DDS学会学術大会 (つくば) で発表しました。


Jul. 3, 2024

Jimmy presented at Master's degree defense at TUS.Jul. 1, 2024


Jul. 1, 2024

Iwashita won a poster award at 73rd SPSJ Annual Meeting (Sendai).


岩下 (M1) が第73回高分子学会年次大会 (仙台) で優秀ポスター賞を受賞しました。


Jun. 30, 2024

Kamimura recieved reserch grant from the Watanabe Foundation.

公益財団法人渡邉財団 第5回岡井治特別研究助成に採択されました。


Jun. 28, 2024

Kamimura received JSPS KAKENHI (Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory)).



Jun. 13, 2024

Jimmy presented at Master's degree defense at Taipei Medical University.


Jun. 5-7, 2024

Naka, Ogawa, Nishikata, Ochiai, Chiba, and Iwashita  presented at 73 rd SPSJ annual meeting (Sendai).

中 (M2)、小川、西方、落合、千葉、岩下 (M1) が第73回高分子学会年次大会 (仙台) で発表しました。


Apr. 1, 2024

Six undergraduate students joined the lab, welcome!



Mar 18, 2024

Five master course students and 8 undergraduate students successfully defended their dissertation and graduated from the university.


Mar 9, 2024

Kamimura presented at the 5th International Bio/Medical Interface Symposium 2024 (IBMI 2024) (Taipei, Taiwan).


Feb 13 and15, 2024

Eight under graduate students presented at bachelor's degree defense.


Feb. 6, 2024


New paper is accepted for publication in Biomaterials.


Jan. 30, 2024

Master course students presented at Master's degree defense.


Jan. 14, 2024


Our new paper is accepted for publication in BUNSEKI KAGAKU.



Nov. 25, 2023

Kamimura gave a talk at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Photodynamic (Tokyo).

上村が第33回日本光線力学学会学術講演会 (東京・京王プラザホテル)で発表しました。


Nov. 15, 2023


New paper is accepted for publication in Scientific Reports.


Nov. 7 2023


Kubota received "Japanese Society for Biomaterials, The outstanding Poster Award 2023".



Nov. 6, 2023


Kubota's presentation was selected as "Highlight Presentation" at the 45th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Biomaterials.



Nov. 6-7, 2023

We presented at the 45th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Biomaterials.

学生3名 (久保田、松下、桑原) が第45回日本バイオマテリアル学会大会  (神戸) で発表しました。

Oct. 24, 2023


Kubota won a poster award at 72nd Symposium on Macromolecules (Kagawa Univ.).

久保田 (M2) が第72回高分子討論会 (香川大学) で優秀ポスター賞を受賞しました。

Sep. 26-28, 2023

We presented at 72nd Symposium on Macromolecules at Kagawa Univ..

久保田、矢澤、加納が第72回高分子討論会 (香川大学)で発表しました。

Sep. 24, 2023

We joined open campus for high school students.


Sep. 9-10, 2023

We visited Shiga and Kyoto.


Sep. 7, 2023


New paper is accepted for publication in J. Biomed. Mater. Res. B.

Aug. 9, 2023

We joined open campus for high school students.


Aug. 4-5, 2023

We joined Chem-Bio Joint Seminar 2023 (Tokyo).

第11回Chem-Bio Joint Seminar 2023 (東京・八王子大学セミナーハウス) に参加しました。久保田、久保、松下、矢澤、加納、山口、桑原、中川、中がポスター発表しました。

Jul. 27, 2023

Kamimura gave a talk at the 39th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Drug Delivery System (Chiba).

上村が第39回日本DDS学会学術大会 (千葉・幕張メッセ) で招待講演を行いました。

Jul. 25-26, 2023

Kubota, Matsushita, and Kamimura presented at Symposium of Research Group on Biomedical Polymers (Tokyo).

久保田, 松下 (M2), 上村が第52回医用高分子シンポジウム (産業技術総合研究所 臨海副都心センター)で発表しました。

Jun. 16, 2023


Our new paper is accepted for publication in ACS Appl. Bio Mater..

Jun 13, 2023


Our new paper is accepted for publication in ChemPlusChem.

Jun 8, 2023

Kamimura gave a talk at the 17th Japanese Society for Molecular Imaging Meeting (Tohoku Univ.).


May 24-26, 2023

Yamaguchi, Yamanaka, and Kuwahara presented at 72 nd SPSJ annual meeting (Gunma).

山口、山中、桑原 (M1) が第72回高分子学会年次大会 (高崎) で発表しました。

May 17, 2023

Our research is highlighted by Asia Research News and Kyodo News PR Wire.

Apr. 17, 2023


Our new paper is accepted for publication in Sci. Tech. Adv. Mater..

Apr 1, 2023

We have moved to new department, "Department of Medical and Robotic Engineering Design".


Apr 1, 2023

Eight undergraduate students joined the lab, welcome!


Mar 19, 2023

Eight master course students and 9 undergraduate students successfully defended their dissertation and graduated from the university.

Feb 14, 2023

Nine under graduate students presented at bachelor's degree defense.

Jan 24, 2023

Master course students presented at Master's degree defense.

Jan. 19-20, 2023

第34回高分子ゲル研究討論会で逢坂 (連携大学院M2) がポスター発表しました。



Dec 19, 2022

Kamimura gave a talk at Shinshu Univ..


Dec 5-7, 2022

Kojima, Nakajima, Matsushita, Kano and Yazawa  presented at 31st Annual Meeting of MRS-J (online conference).

小嶋, 中島 (M2), 松下, 加納, 矢澤 (M1) が第32回日本MRS年次大会 (横浜)で発表しました。

Nov. 22 2022

Onoe and Kubota recieved "Japanese Society for Biomaterials, The outstanding Poster Award 2022".


Nov 21-22, 2022

We presented at the 44th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Biomaterials.

学生5名 (尾上、小西、小松、瀧 (M2) 、久保田 (M1)) が第44回日本バイオマテリアル学会大会  (東京) で発表しました。

Sep 5-7, 2022

We presented at 71st Symposium on Macromolecules at Hokkaido Univ..

上村と学生6名 (尾上、小嶋、小西、小松、逢坂(M2) 、久保田 (M1)) が第71回高分子討論会 (北海道大学)で発表しました。

Sep. 2-4, 2022

Osaka (M2) presented at Gel Sympo 2022 (Tomamu).

Sep 2, 2022

New paper is accepted for publication in Biomaterials Science

Aug 26, 2022

We recieved research grant from the Kurita Water and Environment Foundation.


Aug. 10, 2022

We joined open campus for high school students.


Aug 9, 2022

We joined Chem-Bio Joint Seminar 2022 (U. Tokyo).

第10回Chem-Bio Joint Seminar 2022 (東大駒場キャンパス) に参加しました。尾上、小西、小嶋、小松、久保田、瀧、逢坂がポスター発表しました。

Jul 21, 2022

We recieved reserch grants from the Precise Measurement Technology Promotion Foundation.


Jun 30, 2022

Kamimura received JSPS KAKENHI (Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory)).


Jun 6, 2022

Kamimura awarded “Nanoscale 2022 Emerging Investigators” from Royal Society of Chemistry.

Apr 22, 2022

Kamimura received the Kumagai Foundation for Science and Technology Grants.

Apr 1, 2022

Kamimura promoted to be an associate professor.

Apr 1, 2022

Nine undergraduate students joined the lab.

Mar 19, 2022

Two master course students and 7 undergraduate students successfully defended their dissertation and graduated from the university.

Feb 14, 2022

Seven under graduate students presented at bachelor's degree defense.

Jan 24, 2022

Two master course students presented at Master's degree defense.

Jan. 21, 2022


New paper is accepted for publication in ACS Omega.

Jan. 20-21, 2022

第33回高分子ゲル研究討論会で逢坂 (連携大学院M1) がポスター発表しました。

Jan. 7, 2022


Our new paper is accepted for publication in Nanoscale.


Dec. 31, 2021


New paper is accepted for publication in Biomaterials Science.

Dec 21, 2021

Kamimura gave a talk at Pacifichem 2021 (online conference).

Dec 13-15, 2021

Miyake and Kojima presented at 31st Annual Meeting of MRS-J (online conference).

三宅 (M2) と小嶋 (M1) が第31回日本MRS年次大会 (オンライン開催)で発表しました。

Dec. 11, 2021


New paper is accepted for publication in RSC Advances.

Dec. 3, 2021


New paper is accepted for publication in Chemistry Letters.

Nov. 29, 2021


Kamimura recieved the Award for Young Investigator of Japanese Society for Biomaterials 2021.


Oct 12, 2021


Our new paper is accepted for publication in Analytical Sciences.

Oct 3, 2021


Our new paper is published in ACS Nanoscience Au.

Sep 6-8, 2021

Miyake and Kojima presented at 70th Symposium on Macromolecules (online conference).

三宅 (M2) と小嶋 (M1) が第70回高分子討論会 (オンライン開催)でポスター発表しました。

Aug 7, 2021

Our group joined Chem Bio Joint Seminar 2021 (Online).

第9回Chem Bio Joint Seminar 2021に参加しました。

Jul 27, 2021


Our new paper is accepted for publication in Frontiers in Toxicology.

May 26-28, 2021

Kamimura presented at SPSJ annual meeting.

May 11, 2021


Chen's work was received publicity prize of the SPSJ. (Link)

陳 (2021年3月修士修了) の研究に関する発表が第70回高分子学会年次大会において、広報委員会パブリシティ賞を受賞しました (総計1092件中11件)。

May 9, 2021


Our new paper is accepted for publication in RSC Adv..

Apr 23, 2021


Our new paper is accepted for publication in ACS Appl. Bio Mater..

Apr 1, 2021

Our faculty was renamed to "Faculty of Advanced Engineering". (Link)


Apr 1, 2021

Two master course students and 7 undergraduate students joined the lab.

Mar 18, 2021

Seven master course students and 8 undergraduate students successfully defended their dissertation and graduated from the university.

Mar 12, 2021

Our research is highlighted by Asia Research News.

"Size matters: Bimodal imaging receives nanoparticle enhancement" 

Feb 18, 2021

Our new paper is accepted for publication in Analytical Sciences.

Feb 16, 2021

Eight under graduate students presented at bachelor's degree defense.

Feb 3, 2021

Our new paper is accepted for publication in Sci. Tech. Adv. Mater..

Jan 25, 2021

Seven master course students presented at Master's degree defense.

Jan 7, 2021

Kamimura's new review paper is accepted for publication in Analytical Sciences.

Jan 5, 2021

Our new paper is accepted for publication in Biomedical Optics Express.


Dec. 24, 2020

Kamimura presented at Optosymphonism Public Symposium 2020 (Online).

[Kamimura (Japanese)]

Dec 14, 2020

Our new paper is accepted for publication in Analytical Sciences.

Dec 11-15, 2020

Kamimura gave a talk at 11th World Biomaterials Congress (Online).

Dec 9, 2020

Kamimura gave an invited talk at 30th Annual Meeting of MRS-J (Online). 

Dec 2, 2020

Our new paper is accepted for publication in Scientific Reports.

Dec 1, 2020

上村が日本分析化学会関東支部第61回機器分析講習会で招待講演を行いました (オンライン開催) [Japanese]

Nov. 20, 2020

Kamimura's review article on near-infrared nanothermometry is published in "The Cell" (Japanese).


Oct 8, 2020

Mukaida won a young poster award at annual meeting of the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry (Sep 16-18, 2020, online).

向田 (M2) が日本分析化学会第69年会で若手ポスター賞を受賞しました。

Sep 16-18, 2020

Kamimura, Ogura, Chen, and Miyake presented at 69th Symposium on Macromolecules (online conference).

上村, 小倉 (M2), 陳 (M2), 三宅 (M1) が第69回高分子討論会 (オンライン開催)で発表しました。

Sep 16-18, 2020

Mukaida gave a talk at annual meeting of the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry.

向田 (M2) が日本分析化学会第69年会でポスター発表しました。

Jun 24, 2020

Our new paper is accepted for publication in Optical Materials Express.

Jun 1, 2020

Resumed lab after 2 months of suspension due to COVID-19.

May 27-29, 2020

Ogura, Chen, and Miyake presented at SPSJ annual meeting.

高分子学会年次大会(福岡国際会議場)で発表しました (要旨集発行・発表成立)。

May 4, 2020

Our new paper is accepted for publication in Journal of Biophotonics.

Apr 1, 2020

Eight undergraduate students joined the lab.


Mar 29, 2020

Our new paper is accepted for publication in Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology.

Mar 17, 2020

Nine undergraduate students successfully defended their dissertation and graduated from the university.


Mar 16, 2020

Our new paper is accepted for publication in Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology.

Feb 19, 2020

Our new paper is accepted for publication in Biomaterials Science.

Feb 14, 2020

Nine under graduate students presented at bachelor's degree defense.


Jan 28, 2020

Dr. Kamimura presented at 13th COINS general meeting at Kawasaki.

上村がCOIプログラムCOINS第13回全体会議 (川崎生命科学・環境研究センター)に参加しました。


Dec 13, 2019

Dr. Kamimura gave a talk at 6th COINS symposium at Kawasaki.

(上村が第6回COINSシンポジウム (川崎市産業振興会館) で発表しました)

Nov 27-29, 2019

Mukaida and Dr.Kamimura gave a talk at 29th Annual Meeting of MRS-J (Yokohama).


Nov 8, 2019

Our new review paper is accepted for publication in Journal of the Imaging Society of Japan.

Nov 3-8, 2019

Dr. Kamimura gave a talk at OKINAWA COLLOIDS 2019 (Nago, Okinawa).

Oct 31- Nov 1, 2019

Dr. Kamimura gave a talk at Resonance Bio International Symposium (Tokyo).

Oct 14-17, 2019

Dr. Kamimura gave a talk at TERMIS-AP/ABMC7 2019 (Brisbane, Australia).

Sep 25-27, 2019

Dr. Kamimura gave a talk at 68th Symposium on Macromolecules (Fukui Univ.).

上村が第68回高分子討論会 (福井大学)で発表しました。

Sep 11-13, 2019

Mukaida (M1) gave a talk at annual meeting of the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry.

向田 (M1) が日本分析化学会第68年会でポスター発表しました。

Sep 6, 2019

上村が第23回酸素ダイナミクス研究会・第26回医用近赤外線分光法研究会合同研究会 (東京・四谷) で招待講演を行いました。


Aug 23, 2019

Our new paper is accepted for publication in Scientific Reports.


Aug 23, 2019

Our new paper is accepted for publication in Scientific Reports.


Jul 8, 2019

David from Queen's University Belfast joined our group as visiting student. Welcome!


Jul 3, 2019

Dr. Kamimura gave a talk at the Japan Society for Laser Microscopy Meeting (Osaka Univ.).



Jun 25, 2019

Dr. Kamimura gave a talk at at ICPST-36 (Makuhari). 


May 18, 2019

Mukaida (M1) gave a talk at Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry meeting.

向田 (M1) が第79回分析化学討論会でポスター発表しました。


May 8, 2019

Our new paper is accepted for publication in J. Photopolym. Sci. Technol..


Apr 30, 2019

Our new paper is accepted for publication in RSC Advances.


Apr 1, 2019

Two master course students and 9 undergraduate students joined the lab.



Mar 19, 2019

Ten undergraduate students successfully defended their dissertation and graduated from the university.



Mar 11, 2019

Dr. Kamimura received the Uehara Memorial Foundation Research Grants.

上村が上原記念生命科学財団 研究奨励金 贈呈式に参加しました。


Mar 9-10, 2019

Dr. Kamimura presented at the 4th International Bio/Medical Interface Symposium 2019 (IBMI 2019) (Hsinchu, Taiwan).


Mar 7-8, 2019

Ogura and Sakakibara presented at 3rd International Symposium on Nanoarchitectonics for Mechanobiology (Tsukuba).


Mar 3, 2019

Dr. Kamimura joined the 10th Biomedical Interface Workshop (Kumejima Island, Okinawa).



Mar 1, 2019

Dr. Kamimura presented at the 69th Research Group on Biomedical Polymers (Tokyo) as an invited speaker.



Feb 15, 2019

Ten under graduate students presented at bachelor's degree defense.



Jan 30, 2019

上村がCOIプログラムCOINS第11回全体会議 (川崎生命科学・環境研究センター)に参加しました。






Dec 27, 2018

Our new paper is accepted for publication in Langmuir.


Dec 15, 2018

Dr. Kamimura presented at 1st G'L'owing Polymer Symposium in KANTO (GPS-K2018), Waseda University.

(上村が1st G'L'owing Polymer Symposium in KANTO (早稲田大学) で発表しました)


Dec 14, 2018

Dr. Kamimura presented at 5th COINS symposium at Kawasaki.

(上村が第5回COINSシンポジウム (川崎市産業振興会館) で発表しました)


Dec 13, 2018

Dr. Kamimura received the Uehara Memorial Foundation Research Grants.

(上村が上原記念生命科学財団 研究奨励金に採択されました)


Nov 22, 2018


Dr. Kamimura presented at the 27th Polymer Materials Forum in Tokyo.


Nov 12-13, 2018


Dr. Kamimura presented at the 40th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Biomaterials in Kobe.


Oct 30, 2018

Our new paper is accepted for publication in Scientific Reports.


Oct 29-30, 2018

Dr. Kamimura presented at Resonance Bio Young Researchers' Meeting at OIST (Okinawa Pref.).


Oct 24, 2018

Our new preprint paper is published in bioRxiv.


Sep 13, 2018


Dr. Kamimura received award for encouragement of research in analytical chemistry from the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry.


Sep 13, 2018

上村が日本分析化学会第67年会 (東北大) で奨励賞受賞講演を行いました。

Dr. Kamimura presented at annual meeting of the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry at Tohoku Univ..


Sep 4-6, 2018

We visited Ishigaki island.

ゼミ旅行で石垣島に行きました (picture)。


Aug 10, 2018

We joined open campus for high school students.

オープンキャンパス(葛飾)に参加しました (picture)


Aug 4, 2018

We joined Chem-Bio Joint Seminar 2018 (Univ. of Tokyo).

第7回Chem-Bio Joint Seminar 2018 (東大駒場キャンパス) に参加しました。上村が口頭発表しました。


Jul 31, 2018

Dr. Kamimura presented at Asahi Glass Foundation Meeting.

上村が旭硝子財団助成研究発表会 (アルカディア市ヶ谷) で発表しました。


Jul 23, 2018

Prof. Aktar Ali (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, US) visited our lab.


Jul 19, 2018

上村が第47回医用高分子シンポジウム (産業技術総合研究所 臨海副都心センター)で発表しました。


Jun 27, 2018

上村がCOIプログラムCOINSサイトビジット (川崎生命科学・環境研究センター)に参加しました。


Jun 26, 2018

Dr. Kamimura presented at ICPST 2018 (Makuhari). 


Jun 19, 2018

上村がCOIプログラムCOINS第10回全体会議 (川崎生命科学・環境研究センター)に参加しました。


Jun 16-17, 2018

上村が新学術領域レゾナンスバイオ班会議 (湘南国際村センター)に参加しました。


May 27, 2018


(Dr. Kamimura presented at Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry meeting.)


May 25, 2018


(Dr. Kamimura presented at SPSJ annual meeting.) 


May 24, 2018


(Dr. Kamimura received "Award for Encouragement of Research in Polymer Science" from the Society of Polymer Science, Japan.)


May 22, 2018

Our new review paper is accepted for publication in Kobunshi Ronbunshu (Japanese).


May 18, 2018

Our new paper is accepted for publication in J. Photopolym. Sci. Tech..


Apr 19, 2018


(Dr. Kamimura presented at Yokohama Science Frontier High School).


Apr 14, 2018


(Dr. Kamimura received Inamori Foundation Research Grants).


Apr 5, 2018

We threw a welcome party (picture).


Apr 1, 2018

上村が科研費・基盤研究(B) (代表者)に採択されました。

(Dr. Kamimura received JSPS KAKENHI (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B))).


Apr 1, 2018

Kamimura laboratory was launched. Ten under graduate students joined the lab. (picture)


Mar 28, 2018

Website has been opened.



Department of Medical and Robotic Engineering Design

Faculty of Advanced Engineering 

Tokyo University of Science


Copyright © 2024

by Dr. Masao Kamimura.

All rights reserved.