We design various functional polymer-based nanomaterials for "materials initiated biology", including mechanobiology, mechano/thermo-genetics, and liquid-liquid phase separation research. The research in our laboratory is motivated by a desire to develop novel analytical or manipulation methods for discovering unknown biological phenomena and exploring innovative nanomedicine by using polymer nanomaterials. We are also committed to training a new generation of material and biomedical researchers and engineers. We believe a stimulating environment of our laboratory promotes the growth of creativity and autonomy of students.

News and Topics

Link to PAST NEWS.

Jul. 23-24, 2024

Jimmy presented at Symposium of Research Group on Biomedical Polymers (Tokyo).

張 (M2・台北医大ダブルディグリープログラム)が第53回医用高分子シンポジウム (産業技術総合研究所 臨海副都心センター)で発表しました。

Jul. 17, 2024


New paper is accepted for publication in Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports.

Jul. 11, 2024

Kamimura gave a talk at the 40th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Drug Delivery System (Tsukuba).

上村が第40回日本DDS学会学術大会 (つくば) で発表しました。

Jul. 3, 2024

Jimmy presented at Master's degree defense at TUS.

Jul. 1, 2024


Iwashita won a poster award at 73rd SPSJ Annual Meeting (Sendai).

岩下 (M1) が第73回高分子学会年次大会 (仙台) で優秀ポスター賞を受賞しました。

Jun. 30, 2024

Kamimura recieved reserch grant from the Watanabe Foundation.

公益財団法人渡邉財団 第5回岡井治特別研究助成に採択されました。

Jun. 28, 2024

Kamimura received JSPS KAKENHI (Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory)).


Jun. 13, 2024

Jimmy presented at Master's degree defense at Taipei Medical University.

Jun. 5-7, 2024

Naka, Ogawa, Nishikata, Ochiai, Chiba, and Iwashita  presented at 73 rd SPSJ annual meeting (Sendai).

中 (M2)、小川、西方、落合、千葉、岩下 (M1) が第73回高分子学会年次大会 (仙台) で発表しました。

Apr. 22, 2024


New paper is accepted for publication in Talanta Open.

Apr. 1, 2024

Six undergraduate students joined the lab, welcome!


Recent Publications

Upcoming Presentations

Japanese Society for Biomaterials Synposium 2024 (Oct. 28-29, 2024, Sendai)

日本バイオマテリアル学会シンポジウム2024 (仙台)

Yamanaka, Nishikata, Iwashita (Poster, Japanese)

Gelsympo 2024 (Nov. 17-21, 2024, Okinawa)

Kamimura, Kuwahara, Ogawa, Chiba (Poster)   

Chem-Bio Joint Seminar 2024 (Aug. 27-28, 2024, Sendai)

第12回Chem-Bio Joint Seminar 2024 (東北大)

Kuwahara, Akizuki, Hasegawa (Poster, Japanese)


Department of Medical and Robotic Engineering Design

Faculty of Advanced Engineering 

Tokyo University of Science


Copyright © 2024

by Dr. Masao Kamimura.

All rights reserved.